Saturday, August 18, 2018

Still spinning like crazy😁

I joined a Tour de Fleece team that runs in conjunction with the Tour de France in July and spun everyday of it.  I am amazed at how enjoyable it was.  My plan was always to start spinning once I retire.  I bought my Lendrum Original DT way back in 2005 and just goofed around on it, folded it up and tucked it in its bag and there it as sat.  Over the years I have given thought to selling it but I never did.  Now I am glad I didn't.   Now the plans are to learn to spin decent sock yarn to use on the Canadian Auto Knitter csm.

I looked through my plastic tote of fiber and found more than I thought I had - no surprise there!  LOL  I had a number of balls of unmeasured blends of wool, alpaca, angora, and llama that I had bought years ago, probably 2005 as well, to locker hook some rugs which I never did.  I pulled it all out for the Tour de Fleece and spun it up.
The plan is to use the yarn I spun to weave a throw.  I will probably have to use something along with it, either for warp or weft.  Since both of the floor looms are occupied I don't have to worry about it for now.  

As in the picture, I also got the spindles out as well.  I always like messing around with spindles so I am spinning up some silk hankies that I had gotten to knit some scarves.  I did try knitting one but it was not fun where the spindles are, so that will be the way those go.  I also won a really pretty black walnut spindle from the Tour team, so it is dressed in silk too:-)

Last night I pulled out a big bag out white fiber that I think is corriedale and a bag of pine green nylon.  I am using 100 grams of the corriedale and blend it with the nylon and learn how to spin a cabled3-ply sock yarn.  I split the corriedale into 3 balls and started blending each with the nylon and made rolags.  That process improved as I went, I do not think that the first bobbin is spun as fine as I would have liked so plying those 2 bobbins will be interesting.

...I was right, those 2 bobbins did not ply the same.  Fortunately I wound the nicer spun singles into a center-pull ball and then plied both together.  I ended up plying alot of the second bobbin to it's self but it worked fine.  Just one more bobbin of singles to spin and I will ply it all together and see what I end up with.

My brother gifted me with a pretty little saxony spinning wheel.  The best we know is that it came out of a 3-story Victorian house that was moved from West Allis to Milwaukee  by horses in the 1920's.   I have no idea when the wheel was made and it is not signed but it is a pretty little thing.

It cleaned up well but it is missing the flyer and bobbin.  I ordered a flyer off of EBay and it sort of fits.  It is not quite right.  I can get everything to spin, but I cannot get the bobbin to take up the yarn.  It is a double drive wheel and I am not sure if the whorl is not the right size to get everything to work together.  I have set it aside for now, eventually I will play some more and see if I can get it to spin.

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